2024 Race Dates
The 2024 Calendar has been updated for the new season with all the important events added for you to keep up to date
Friday 13th booking
Booking in is open for Buggy racing on Friday 13th.
Tamiya Trucks are back on track on Monday 9th October. If you have a truck or any type of Tamiya come along and join the action.

Also on track will be the usual mix of GT12 and LMP
Christmas is done and 2023 racing is just around the corner . South cambs have some exciting plans for next year but first Buggy racing returns on January 6th with booking in open as usual from Friday 30th 7pm.We’ll be running winter/spring championships in on road and off road with prizes at the end for F1 , F2 and F3 winners.
The Buggy blast will finally return after a 3 year delay.
And in on road we’re holding an open track day where we hope to encourage / introduce interested people to give RC a go, a practice session and race meet in 1 day. More info on that to follow soon.
We are also planning to work together with Beds RC and Cambridge RC with home and away race meetings .
And finally the final round of GT12 national championship takes place in stoke on January 8th this competition has been well supported by our club so hopefully some of you will join me and Ewan there.
Have a Happy New Year and see you in 2023
CHRISTMAS RACE NIGHT 19th & 23rd December

Full plans for the evening are yet to be decided so details will be released nearer the time.
We will also be raffling off a car at the end of the night .
In between rallye car racing we will be running lights out racing so get those headlights ready !

Every Monday from the 19th of October and every other Friday from 30th October. New rules and restrictions will apply check out Facebook for the latest updates or follow the link to book in.
South Cambs Buggy Blast

The south Cambs RC car club is pleased to announce that we will be running an indoor buggy meeting on the 28th of March. This meeting will be run similar to a regional event with some practice time, followed by heats and finals. There will be free tea and coffee all day and For some lucky people Trophies too. The day will start at 8am and finish at 4pm. We encourage all abilities to come, there will be a kids heat, lower ability heats all the way through to the proper pro racers in the faster heats. Ultimately we want it to be a fun day for people to come, chat, see friends and race buggies all day. 4wd/2wd and if enough some micro racing too. Please email southcambsrccc@gmail.com to request a booking in email and payment details, the cost to book in is £10. Please state your intended choice of car 4wd/2wd (1 per person) and your ability level between 1-100. The motor choice is open and so is tyres.
All tables and chairs provided
e-mail southcambsrccc@gmail.com
Racing is back in 2020
Buggy racing returns on Friday the 3rd of January followed by Gt12 on Monday the 6th of January

Well done to all our drivers that took part in this years East Anglia regional series. We had 16 drivers who competed over the 6 rounds across the region. After all 6 rounds we came out victorious with over 4000 points to win the Overall best club trophy!!

Well done to all the drivers who raced at the final round of this years East Anglia regionals. We had a great day of racing with 10 drivers competing and all doing very well. A huge well done to Ben Elliot for getting the overall FTQ and 3rd place overall and to Jake Vincent for getting second overall in the juniors.

We currently have 3 club cars that are available for use. We have 2 schumacher atoms and a kf2. We also have a futaba sticks radio and a spektrum wheel radio that are available. if you are interested in trying out racing please contact us through our Facebook page. Your first time will also be totally free to why not come give it a go.